

Angel original


C-Christ’s birth. In the fourth century Christians began celebrating Christ’s birth in December as an alternative to the pagan worship of the sun that was practiced at that time by many in the Roman world. The people understood their dependence on the sun. After the winter solstice and the days began to grow longer they would rejoice. But the Christians wanted to turn the eyes of people to the Creator of the sun, not to the sun itself. We don’t know for sure when Christ was born, but we celebrate his birth in December as a reminder of God’s greatest gift.

H-Home. Christmas is a time to return home and reconnect with family.

R-Reflect. Christmas gives us time to take a breather from our hectic pace and reminisce with family and friends about what matters most.

I-Immanuel. Nothing matters more than that in Christ God has come to us. Immanuel (also spelled Emmanuel) means “God with us.” The little baby Mary gave birth to was and is and always will be God.

S-Salvation. God came to us to bring us salvation. “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21 ESV).

T-Thanksgiving. Christmas is a time to joyfully give God thanks for refusing to spare even his own Son to secure us for himself. How can we not give thanks for that kind of love?

M-Merry. The word “merry” means to be full of cheer or to have a joyful attitude. Choose to focus on the blessings Jesus has come to give you and refuse to let the problems of the world rob you of your joy this Christmas.

A-Adore. When the wise men saw Jesus Matthew tells us “they fell down and worshiped him” (Matthew 2:11). Don’t allow yourself to get so caught up in the material aspects of Christmas that you fail to worship Jesus. Remember that the wise men offered their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to Jesus (Matthew 2:11). Be sure that you also give your best gifts to him.

S-Share. Because Jesus has come we have good news to share with others. Share it. 

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